











Emai l :yuhuaxu2004@163.com






1994.09-1998.07    湖北大学 / 数学系 / 应用数学 / 理学学士

2002.09 - 2004.12   武汉理工大学 / 数学系 / 应用数学(金融数学/ 理学

2008.03 - 2010.12   东华大学 / 信息学院 / 控制理论与控制工程 / 工学博士

2012.01 - 2014.03   武汉大学 / 博士后流动站 / 金融复杂系统演化分析与风险控制




1998.07  2000.02   郧阳师范高等专科学校 / 数学与财经系 / 教师  

2000.03  2002.08   郧阳师范高等专科学校 / 数学与财经系 / 系党总支副书记(正科级)

2006.03  2015.08   郧阳师范高等专科学校 / 数学与财经系 / 系党总支书记(副处级)  

2015.09  至今      南京审计大学 / 金融学院 / 教师    




1. 非线性时间序列的动力系统表征、分析与控制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目批准号:61673221(主持人)

2. 基于随机扰动的经济、金融复杂系统动力学演化机理和风险控制研究,教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目,项目批准号:14YJCZH173(主持人)

3. 基于动力学视角的金融时间序列统计分析与风险控制,江苏省金融工程重点实验室开放课题,项目批准号:NSK2015-16(主持人)

4. 金融混沌系统的动力学分析与控制,湖北省教育厅重点科研项目,项目批准号:D20156001(主持人)

5. 基于鞅论的随机复杂动力网络同步控制与拓扑识别,中国博士后科学基金项目,项目批准号:2012M511663(主持人)

6. 几类修改的复杂动力学网络的控制与同步,湖北省教育厅重点科研项目,项目批准号:D20126002(主持人)

7. 几类新连续混沌系统的动力学理论、控制与同步及其应用研究,湖北省教育厅重点科研项目,项目批准号:D20105001(主持人)

8. 基于鞅论的随机神经网络稳定性分析与自适应同步研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目批准号:61075060(参与人,排名第二)

9. 一类复杂网络自适应同步与控制策略及应用研究工业控制技术国家重点实验室开放课题, 项目批准号:ICT1007(参与人,排名第二)




37Yuhua XuJincheng Zhang, Wuneng zhou, Dongbing Tong, Adaptive synchronization of complex dynamical networks with bounded delay feedback controllerOptik2016已接受

36Yuhua Xu, Yajuan Lu, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan Fang, Bounded synchronization of the general complex dynamical network with delay feedback controllerNonlinear Dynamics, 2016. 84. (SCI检索)

35. Yuhua Xu, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan Fang, Chengrong Xie, Dongbing TongFinite-time synchronisation of the complex dynamical network with non-derivative and derivative couplingNeurocomputing. 2016.173. (SCI检索)

34Yuhua Xu, Yajuan Lu, Chengrong Xie, Impulsive synchronization of Lü chaotic systems via the hybrid controllerOptik, 2016.127. (SCI检索)

33. Yuhua Xu, Chengrong Xie, Yuling Wang, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan FangProjective synchronization of the chaotic finance system with parameter switching perturbation and input time-varying delayMathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2015.38 (SCI检索)

32. Yuhua Xu, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan Fang, Wen Sun, Lin Pan, Adaptive synchronization of stochastic time-varying delay dynamical networks with complex-variable systems, Nonlinear Dynamics. 2015.9 (SCI检索)

31. Chengrong Xie, Yuhua Xu(通讯作者), Dongbing Tong, Chaos synchronization of financial chaotic system with external perturbation, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2015, 2015: 731376  (SCI检索)

30. Yuhua Xu, Chengrong Xie, Dongbing TongAdaptive synchronization for dynamical networks of neutral type with time-delay, Optik. 2014.4 (SCI检索)

29. Yuhua Xu, Yuling WangA new chaotic system without linear term and its impulsive synchronizationOptik. 2014.6 (SCI检索)

28. Yuhua Xu, Chengrong Xie, Qing XiaA kind of binary scaling function projective lag synchronization of chaotic systems with stochastic perturbation, Nonlinear Dynamics. 2014.8 (SCI检索)

27. Yuhua Xu, Yuling Wang, Wuneng Zhou, Jian-an FangStochastic complex networks synchronize to the limit set with adaptive controller and adaptive time-varying delayedMathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2014.10 (SCI检索)

26. Yuhua Xu, Hongzheng Yang, Dongbing Tong, Yuling WangAdaptive exponential synchronization in pth moment for stochastic time varying multi-delayed complex networksNonlinear Dynamics, 2013. 8. (SCI检索)

25. Chengrong Xie, Yuhua Xu(通讯作者), Dongbing Tong, Mean square synchronization of stochastic nonlinear delayed coupled complex networks, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2013, 2013: 914140 (SCI检索)

24. Yuhua Xu, Jun Li, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan Fang,  Comment on: "Topology identification and adaptive synchronization of uncertain complex networks with adaptive double scaling functions" [Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 16 (2011) 3337]Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 2012. 8. (SCI检索)

23. Yuhua Xu, Bing Li, Yuling Wang, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan FangA new four-scroll chaotic attractor consisted of transient chaotic two-scroll and ultimate chaotic two-scrollMathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012. 4. (SCI检索)

22. Yuhua Xu, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan FangAdaptive synchronization of the complex dynamical network with double non-delayed and double delayed couplingInternational Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 2012. 4. (SCI检索)

21. Yuhua Xu, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan FangTopology identification of the modified complex dynamical network with non-delayed and delayed couplingNonlinear Dynamics, 2012. 4. (SCI检索)

20. Yuhua Xu, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan Fang, Wen SunCorrigendum to:"Topology identification and adaptive synchronization of uncertain complex networks with non-derivative and derivative coupling" [J. Franklin Inst. 374 (2010) 1566], Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2012. 6. (SCI检索)

19. Yuhua Xu, Bing Li, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan FangMean square function synchronization of chaotic systems with stochastic effectsNonlinear Dynamics, 2012. 10. (SCI检索)

18. Yuhua Xu, Bing Li, Yuling Wang, Wuneng Zhou, Jian-an Fang. A new four-scroll chaotic attractor consisted of transient chaotic two-scroll and ultimate chaotic two-scroll,Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012. 4. (SCI检索)

17. Yuhua Xu, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan Fang, Wen Sun. Erratum to:"Adaptive synchronization of the complex dynamical network with non-derivative and derivative coupling" [Phys. Lett. A 374 (2010) 1673], Physics Letters A, 2011. 8. (SCI检索)

16. Yuhua Xu, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan Fang, Yuling Wang, Generating the new chaotic attractor by feedback controlling methodMathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2011. 11. (SCI检索)

15. Yuhua Xu, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan Fang, Wen SunAdaptive synchronization of uncertain chaotic systems with adaptive scaling functionJournal of the Franklin Institute, 2011. 11. (SCI 检索)

14. Yuhua Xu, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan Fang, Wen SunAdaptive bidirectionally coupled synchronization of chaotic systems with unkown parametersNonlinear Dynamics, 2011. 9. (SCI检索)

13. Yuhua Xu, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan FangModified scaling function projective synchronization of chaotic systemsChinese Physics B, 2011. 9. (SCI检索)

12. Yuhua Xu, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan Fang, Wen SunTopology identification and adaptive synchronization of uncertain complex networks with adaptive double scaling functionsCommunications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 2011. 8. (SCI检索)

11. Yuhua Xu, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan FangAdaptive synchronization of the complex dynamical network with non-derivative and derivative couplingPhysics Letters A, 2010. 4. (SCI检索)

10. Yuhua Xu, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan Fang, Wen Sun and Lin PanTopology identification and adaptive synchronization of uncertain complex networks with non-derivative and derivative couplingJournal of the Franklin Institute, 2010. 8. (SCI检索)

9. Yuhua Xu, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan Fang, Wen SunAdaptive lag synchronization and parameters adaptive lag identification of chaotic systemsPhysics Letters A, 2010. 7. (SCI检索)

8. Yuhua Xu, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan FangStructure identification and adaptive synchronization of uncertain general complex dynamical networksPhysics Letters A, 2009. 12. (SCI检索)

7. Yuhua Xu, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan FangHybrid dislocated control and general hybrid projective dislocated synchronization for the modified Lü chaotic systemChaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2009.11. (SCI检索)

6. Wuneng Zhou, Yuhua Xu(通讯作者), Hongqian Lu, Lin PanOn dynamics analysis of a new chaotic attractorPhysics Letters A, 2008, 372. (SCI检索)

5. Yuhua Xu, Wuneng Zhou, Jianan Fang, On dynamics analysis of a new symmetrical five-term chaotic attractorProceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference July 29-31, 2010, Beijing, China (EI检索) 

4. Yuhua Xu, Wuneng ZhouChengrong Xie, A general chaos synchronization method based on unidirectionally or bidirectionally coupled system, Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference July 29-31, 2010, Beijing, China (EI检索)

3. Yuhua Xu, Wuneng Zhou, Hongqian Lu, Minghao LiAdaptive feedback synchronization for the new chaotic dynamical system with unknown parameters, 2008 Fourth International Conference on Natural Computation (EI检索)

2. Yuhua XuWuneng ZhouChengrong Xie, Weixun Gao, On dynamic analysis of a new single parameter chaotic attractor, 2008 IEEE Pacific-Asia Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Application (EI检索)

1. Yuhua XuWuneng ZhouHongqian LuModified projective synchronization among three modified chen chaotic systems with unicoupled response system, 2008 The 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists (EI检索)




1. 徐玉华,2016年,湖北省第十六届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖,湖北省科技厅

2. 徐玉华,2015年,十堰市政府专项津贴专家,十堰市政府(厅级)

3. 徐玉华,2014年,湖北省第十五届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖,湖北省科技厅

4. 徐玉华,2014年,十堰市优秀中青年拔尖人才,十堰市政府(厅级)

5. 徐玉华,2014年,十堰市科技进步二等奖,十堰市政府(厅级)

6. 徐玉华,2013年,十堰市第二届青年科技奖,十堰市政府(厅级)

7. 徐玉华,2012年,湖北省第十四届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,湖北省科技厅

8. 徐玉华,2012年,东华大学优秀博士论文,东华大学

9. 徐玉华,2011年,湖北省优秀青年骨干人才,湖北省人社厅

10. 徐玉华,2010年,湖北省第十三届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,湖北省科技厅